"peace" Tagged Sermons (Page 17)

"peace" Tagged Sermons (Page 17)

But I Say…

Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 6.8, Matthew 5.38-48, and Audrey Assad’s contemporary reworking of Julia Ward Howe’s 1862 Battle Hymn of the Republic. What new song is God calling us to sing?

Rebels with a Cause

Matt’s message is rooted in story of Jesus healing the bent over woman in Luke 13.10-17. Who might God be calling you to notice? How might you be called to accompany them as they rise to freedom?

Know Justice, Know Peace

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 12:49-56 in which Jesus stridently calls the crowd “hypocrites” and announces he’s come to bring division instead of peace. On the surface, this doesn’t seem to be the Prince of Peace we’ve been called to follow. How might Jesus be calling you to stand for justice and peace in our deeply divided world? What might God need to burn away in your life and in the world as you root yourself in the way…


Matt’s message on Palm Sunday at The Table is rooted in Luke 19.28-40. What are the things that make for peace?

Peace! Be Still!

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 4.35-41. How might this story of Jesus journeying “just as he is” to the other side as a storm rages call us to engage the storms of our world today? Into the chaos and fear…Jesus calls out: “Peace! Be still!” How might our voices join with his today?

Becoming Evangelical

Linda’s message reflects on her journey toward embracing what it means to be evangelical. From an initial encounter with a televangelist to heart-felt conversations with faithful evangelical people in our community, she wonders who God is calling her to empathize with for the sake of the Gospel. Linda’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 9.16-23. Paul writes, “I have become all things to all people, so that I might by any means save some. I do it all for the…


Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 5.1-5a. How might we open to the thin places of God’s deep peace as we prepare for the Advent of God’s new reality?

Prayer for Charleston

We gathered with people of faith around the world in prayer & lament for the people of Charleston, South Carolina. Our prayer included sections of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Eulogy For The Young Victims Of The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing and Peace Stronger Than the Storm by Steve Garnaas-Holmes (Unfolding Light, June 20, 2015) read by Keith Dabney and Pastor Matt Smith.
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