"peter" Tagged Sermons

"peter" Tagged Sermons

Incurvatus What?

Worship online with The Table 9:30am Sunday (August 30) shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve and find bread for the journey with The Table. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Failing into Boldness

Linda’s message is rooted in Peter’s bold message on Pentecost (Acts 2). Peter failed forward while in ministry with Jesus, but made a bold move on the other side of resurrection that changed the course of the Christian movement. What might your bold move look like?

The F-Word

The F-Word is at the heart of Christianity. Matt’s message is rooted in Peter’s experience of a dark night that began began apocalyptically and then got worse (Luke 22). Peter betrayed the very center of who he said he wanted to be. Peter f’ed.  What might the f-word have to teach us about following Jesus today?

Breaking Down Failure

Joey’s message invites us to break down what we mean by “failure” and encourages us to learn alongside Peter who needed Jesus to re-frame his expectations of his ministry (Mark 8.27-33). What moments in your life where God might be calling you to adjust your understanding of failure? What lessons might we take from Peter’s failure that give space for us to see God in a new way? And, what beauty might you open yourself up to when breaking those…

No. No. No. No. No.

Linda’s message invites reflection on Peter’s call to follow Jesus (Luke 5.1-11).  Our worship series, Failing Forward, holds our lives in conversation with the “Failure Resume” developed by Peter throughout the New Testament. Ultimately, Jesus would chose to build the church upon Peter. What might we learn from Peter’s story as we seek to follow Jesus today?
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