"Reaching in Love" Tagged Sermons

"Reaching in Love" Tagged Sermons

One Heart and Mind

Our four-week worship series in April holds readings from the Book of Acts alongside our hopes for creating community which is rooted in the ways of the Risen One for today. This morning’s worship is rooted in Acts 4. Amid threats from those in positions to judge, the early followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) turned to prayer and found a boldness born through intimacy with one another and the Spirit of God in their midst. They disciples came to…

Reaching in Love

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 10.17-31. How might the encounter of Jesus with the “rich young ruler” challenge and inspire us to reach in love as we unearth our Deep Commitments for the coming year?


Our celelbration of Pentecost is rooted in Acts 2.1-21 and the Afrobeat music of Fela Kuti and the hip hop of Agape (Dave Scherer).  How are you conspiring with God and your neighbors to transform the world?

Reaching in Love

This worship series invites reflection on John 15 and the poetry of Wendell Berry.  The scripture readings each week are a “mash-up” of John 15 and Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front. Matt’s message encourages our community to reach in love by making intentional choices related to food and farms.
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