"rejoice" Tagged Sermons

"rejoice" Tagged Sermons

Lost & Found

Our Lenten worship series is inspired by A Sanctified Art and called Everything [In] Between. This worship series is an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Pastor Matt’s message invites reflection on a parable from Luke 15.1-7 which is often called the Parable of the Lost Sheep. Who in this story is really lost? Who is found? Where might we be on the continuum between lost and found? Worship…

We allow ourselves to be amazed

After Elizabeth gives birth, her neighbors and family celebrate with her. When it comes time to name the child, Zechariah affirms the name given by the angel and by Elizabeth. In that moment of affirming the promise, Zechariah’s speech is restored. Everyone is filled with awe. How often do you allow yourself to be amazed? Wonder is all around us—can we recognize it? As we learn how to rejoice in a weary world, can we live in a way that…

We acknowledge our weariness

As Advent begins, we start by acknowledging the weariness, grief, rage, and hopelessness we carry—and we also affirm that we are made for joy. Joy is designed to live in a full house of other emotions. We start the season with Zechariah and Elizabeth; they have battled infertility and have lived many years steadfast in their faith. Perhaps they feel the weight of hopes and dreams unattained. The angel comes to Zechariah with a promise of good news, but Zechariah…


Matt’s message invites reflection on the often overlooked book from the Hebrew bible called Habakkuk. Habakkuk 2.4 says, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Wendell Berry’s  “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” echoes these ancient words: “Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.” How might we be called to “be joyful though we’ve considered all the facts today?

What’s Your Why?

Matt’s message is rooted in Philippians 4.1-9. Marlon Hall, a filmmaker & creative leader from Houston, led a workshop on innovation in ministry earlier this week in Sacramento.  Matt’s message weave’s Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi with lessons from Marlon Hall on innovation:  What is the story of your why? Here is a link to Marlon Hall’s short film on Houston.  
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