"resurrection" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

"resurrection" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

Easter Sunrise

We celebrated the Baptism of 2 adults & 3 children as we gathered for Easter worship at sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park. Matt’s Easter Sunrise message is rooted in the resurrection story from John’s Gospel in which the Risen One calls Mary by name and she recognizes him.  What difference might God’s calling us by name make in our lives this Easter?

Owning Our Stories

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 24.13-35 and Brené Brown’s invitation to “own our own stories” in the process of Rising Strong. How might we Rise Strong with God in the wake of this week’s rulings by the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church?

easter sunrise

Linda’s message for Easter sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park is rooted in the resurrection story from John. We celebrated the baptism of one adult and three children as we gathered in the rose garden as the sun rose on Easter.


Matt’s message is rooted in the story of resurrection from Matthew 28.1-10. Christ has risen and goes before us!

Resurrection: An Unresolved Version

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 16.1-8.  Mark’s ending of the resurrection story doesn’t sound like an ending at all. What might the unresolved ending of Mark’s Gospel have to teach us about God’s resurrection this Easter?

Human Trafficking

Our worship series, The Art and Resurrection of Justice, holds the biblical witness of resurrection in conversation with justice issues of our day.  Linda’s message is rooted in John 20.19-31 and the brutalities of human trafficking.

Our Story

Remembering our story & setting the table for God’s unfolding future. Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 44.1-8. Music features Brenden Lowe with Grace Kelly.

Easter Message

Matt’s Easter message is rooted in Luke 24.1-12. I Believe (Words & Music by Carrie Newcomer) The Rising (Words & Music by Bruce Springsteen) Roll Away Your Stone (Words & Music by Mumford & Sons) Arranged & Directed by Anthony Coleman II Nicole Cleveland, vocals Vanessa Cruz, drums Cole Dutcher, guitar Keith Little, banjo Brenden Lowe, piano David O’Keefe, bass Gerald Pease, vocals
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