Sermons on giving generously
All Means All
Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…
Growing & Giving
Rev. Kara Root’s “The Deepest Belonging: A Story about Discovering Where God Meets Us” tells the story of Kara’s journey as a pastor with a small Presbyterian church in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Kara’s writing has been a source of inspiration for this four-week worship series which invites our community of faith into the depths of what it means to belong to God and each other at The Table. Our worship series will culminate on October 27 with an opportunity to celebrate…
How long?
Worship is rooted in the call “How long?” of the prophet Habakkuk as the people wait on God to be present with them in their deep suffering. As we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and renew our baptism we live into the answer – God’s grace is always already with us in our joy and in our lament. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Fear Not
Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Participating in Abundance
Coming at the close of Table Farm & Table Bread’s first iteration of the Farm & Bread Fellowship for young people, worship this morning explores Luke 12: 13-21 and Jesus’ invitation into abundant living.
Baptism & Mooring of our Deep Commitments
Liturgy of the Water based on and inspired by Dr. Tanya Linn Bennett. Worship is rooted in Job 42.1-6,10-17. Once careful & fearful, now trusting & loving with wild abandon, Job is renewed to love God again in a new way. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804