Sermons on growing in faith (Page 15)

Sermons on growing in faith (Page 15)

Love God

Linda’s message, Love God, is rooted in John 14.23-29. Norman Wirzba writes, “Christian faith is an existential commitment or personal promises to perceive and live life in the kinds of ways that Jesus inspires and makes possible” (Way of Love, 36). What spiritual disciples are keeping you in love with God? What disciplines might you be called to take on? What disciplines might be worthy of re-considering?


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 13.1-9. The fig tree has an uncertain future, and truthfully, so do all of God’s people. Ultimately, God’s judgement comes. In the delay of that coming, how will we build our lives and ground our hope in the efforts that God, like the parable’s gardener, makes to prepare us for that judgment?


Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 6.17-26. How might the recipe Jesus shared with his disciples on a level place inspire us today? Linda turns to our music team to invite reflection on how we might find inspiration from recipes passed down through the generations.

Heart/Feeling Triad (2, 3, 4)

Pastor Matt’s message is rooted in John 2.1-11 & invites reflection the the Heart/Feeling Triad (2, 3, 4) from the Enneagram. Our worship series draws on Ian Morgan Cron & Suzanne Stabile’s The Road Back to You.  Here is a link to information on the book.

Failing into Boldness

Linda’s message is rooted in Peter’s bold message on Pentecost (Acts 2). Peter failed forward while in ministry with Jesus, but made a bold move on the other side of resurrection that changed the course of the Christian movement. What might your bold move look like?

Growing in Faith

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 10.35-45. How might Jesus turn your expectations regarding “greatness” upside down as you make a deep commitment to growing in faith?

What do you do with the mad that you feel?

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 9.38-50. In the wake of a divisive US Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Thursday, Matt looks back on the moment Mister Rogers’ witness at a previous hearing became a tipping point. What do we do with the mad that we feel?

Make Christianity Great Again

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 9.30-37. Jesus asked the disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?”  But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. What does greatness look like for followers of Jesus?

Bread from Heaven

Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes into me will never be thirsty” (John 6.35). Linda’s message invites reflection on  the ways John 6.35, 41-51 is rooted in Exodus 16 and challenges us to wonder about the ways God might be sending us bread from heaven today.

Dinner is Ready

Linda & Cesca’s message is grounded in John 3:24-35 and Jesus’ saying, “I am the bread of life.”  What does it mean to “believe into” Jesus as we receive the bread of life?  How might we allow communion to break through our isolation and invite us into the “real presence” of Christ?


While Paul’s letter to Philemon is often overlooked, this short book has been laid in the foundation of our Christian tradition. Matt’s message reflects on the impact of this short letter as an invitation to see through the eyes of God.


Matt’s message invites reflection on the often overlooked book from the Hebrew bible called Habakkuk. Habakkuk 2.4 says, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Wendell Berry’s  “Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front” echoes these ancient words: “Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.” How might we be called to “be joyful though we’ve considered all the facts today?
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