Sermons on growing in faith (Page 20)

Sermons on growing in faith (Page 20)

Lost Sheep. Lost Coin. Lost Son.

Matt’s message invites us to be rooted in the relationships in which we find ourselves. We look back at three parables to hear a challenge for how we might live faithfully right now. The message is rooted in Luke 15 and Amy-Jill Levine’s Short Stories by Jesus: The Enigmatic Parables of a Controversial Rabbi.  Music by Joe Kye is woven into the message and the opening song is a clip from his newly composed song called Part Of.

Searching Scripture

Matt’s message is rooted in 2 Timothy 3.14-17. He talks about staying in love with God by searching scripture.


Linda’s message is rooted in Psalm 92.1-4, 12-15. She discusses prayer, one of the six spiritual disciplines, through the presence of God.


Lori’s message is rooted in Acts 2.37-42. Lori discusses the “Witness” Christian Discipline and spiritual growth through the words of her own testimony.


Linda’s message is rooted in John 12.1-11 and invites reflection on Mary’s anointing of Jesus.

Agape & Rachel Kurtz

All Are Welcome by Agape (Dave Scherer) & Rachel Kurtz Give Me Jesus by Rachel Kurtz Lament by Rachel Kurtz 35 Theses by Agape (Dave Scherer) Message by Agape (Dave Scherer) On & On by Agape (Dave Scherer) Hallelujah by Rachel Kurtz Song for Matthew by Agape (Dave Scherer) Make a Difference by Agape (Dave Scherer) & Rachel Kurtz Rise Up by Agape (Dave Scherer) & Rachel Kurtz Brenden Lowe, Piano & Music Director Anthony Coleman II, Trumpet & Keyboard & Percussion Joe Kye, Violin Molly Redfield, Bass Tim…

Mother Hen

Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 13.31-35 and invites reflection on the vulnerability God chooses by watching over her children in love.


Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 4.1-13 and invites reflection on entering the wilderness of Lent.


Linda and Matt invite reflection on how Scripture and our Christian tradition might frame our disruption of privilege.  The message is rooted in Mark 3.1-6.


Linda’s message is rooted in Romans 12.18-21 & invites reflection on how we might move through fear into more trusting and faithful ways of being.
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