Sermons on growing in faith (Page 21)
Guns & Gun Violence
Matt’s message puts guns & gun violence on The Table and is rooted in Micah 4.1-4 and Joel 3. Here is a link to Rev. David Lewicki’s blog on December 3, 2015 called We Are All Mass Murderers (And All Victims of It). The clips of music in this podcast are both the original music of The Brilliance. The songs are called Run and Love Shall Overcome.
In the Beginning
Linda’s message is rooted in John 1.1-9 and invites reflection as we begin the new year together.
Linda’s message is rooted in Malachi 3.1-4 and invites reflection on love as we move into the second week of our Advent worship series, Christmas Is Coming. How might God’s refining love be shaping you for the Advent of a new reality?
Linda’s message is rooted in Acts 23. Acts calls us to reconsider our understanding of heroes. What kind of everyday heroism might God be calling us toward? This is the third week in a three-week worship series on the Book of Acts. Here is the video Linda shared in her message.
This is the first week in a three-week worship series on Acts. Linda’s message is rooted in Acts 4 & 5.
Deep Commitment
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 12.28-34 & invites reflection on our Deep Commitments to God and one another. Here is a link to our online Deep Commitment Card.
Growing in Faith
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 10.17-31. What powers might be holding us captive and preventing us from taking a next step into the freedom toward which Grace lures us? How might we grow in faith? What might the story of Jesus and the rich young ruler have to teach us about growing in faith today?
Our Vintage Church’s Future: Tony Soprano, Pablo Escobar, & Jesus
Our gathering was rooted in Mark 9.38-50. Matt’s message invites reflection on how followers of Jesus have drawn lines of exclusion, yet Jesus is always on the other side of our lines…Jesus is always with the outsiders. How might this shape our vintage church’s next five years? Daryl Black joined our phenomenal music team again this morning as we continued our celebration of #thetableturns5. This is the third week in a three-week series called Our Vintage Church.
The Table Turns 5
We celebrated The Table turning 5 in worship this morning. Our gathering was rooted in Mark 9.30-37. This is the second week in a three-week series called Our Vintage Church.
Linda’s message invites reflection on Jesus and is rooted in John 6. Who do we say that Jesus is? What is the significance of Jesus in our lives today? This is the fourth week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp. The music featured in this week’s podcast is Joe Kye singing Jesus Are You Real by Mason Jennings.
Matt’s message invites reflection on God. How might the Bible and Christian tradition shape the ways we talk about God? What images and metaphors might be faithful in our day to express God’s ineffability? This is the third week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp.
Matt’s message invites reflection on how we relate to the Bible. Some followers of Jesus argue “the bible says it, they believe it, that settles it.” Others reject Christianity for such simplistic worldviews. How might we relate to the Bible in our contemporary lives? Where do we start if we’re picking up the Bible again after many years away? How might we wrestle with the Bible as we make meaning of our lives? Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 17.10-12.…