Sermons on growing in faith (Page 22)

Sermons on growing in faith (Page 22)


Linda’s message invites reflection on Jesus and is rooted in John 6. Who do we say that Jesus is? What is the significance of Jesus in our lives today? This is the fourth week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp. The music featured in this week’s podcast is Joe Kye singing Jesus Are You Real by Mason Jennings.


Matt’s message invites reflection on God. How might the Bible and Christian tradition shape the ways we talk about God? What images and metaphors might be faithful in our day to express God’s ineffability? This is the third week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp.


Matt’s message invites reflection on how we relate to the Bible. Some followers of Jesus argue “the bible says it, they believe it, that settles it.”  Others reject Christianity for such simplistic worldviews. How might we relate to the Bible in our contemporary lives? Where do we start if we’re picking up the Bible again after many years away? How might we wrestle with the Bible as we make meaning of our lives?  Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 17.10-12.…


Linda’s message is rooted in Psalm 30 and invites reflection on how the practice of prayer might shape our lives in communion with the mystery of God.  This is the second week in a three-week series on Prayer.


Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 4.35-41. This is our first week in a three-week series on Prayer.

Godly Play Story of Creation

This is the second week in a three-week worship series on Godly Play and welcoming children at The Table. Jackie’s message is rooted in the first story of creation from Genesis.  The message begins with an introduction to Godly Play at The Table and then continues as Jackie shares the Godly Play story of creation and wonders with our community.

Godly Play Brought Me to Faith as an Adult

This is the first week in a three-week worship series on Godly Play and welcoming children at The Table. Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 11.6 & Matthew 19.13-14. How do we welcome children? How might children lead us?

Crossover Tactics

This is the third week in our worship series, This Christian Life, based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories focus on Crossover Tactics.

Did Jesus Die for Your Sins?

Matt’s message is rooted in John 3.14-21.  Did Jesus die for your sins? How do you understand the death of Jesus?  Matt’s message draws on the writings of Carl Gregg’s “John 3.16 – The Rest of the Story” and Gregory Anderson Love’s Love, Violence, and the Cross: How the Nonviolent God Saves Us through the Cross of Christ.

The Task of Grief

Linda’s message is rooted in John 11.28-36. Grief is part of God’s story. Grief is part of Jesus’ story. Grief is part of our Christian story. Linda’s message invites reflection on how we might relate to grief as we practice our faith today. Click Details to download supporting materials.

Climbing Rambam’s Ladder

Linda’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 9.19-23 and Julie Salamon’s Rambam’s Ladder: A Meditation on Generosity and Why It Is Necessary to Give. Where are we in our own practice of generosity?
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