Sermons on growing in faith (Page 6)

Sermons on growing in faith (Page 6)


Worship is rooted in the gospel readings assigned to the Global Church as we focus upon a particular way Jesus called his first followers to practice their faith and invite reflection upon what this might look like in our own lives today. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

The Wild Disrupting Design of the Holy Spirit

Our celebration of Pentecost will lift up the wild disrupting design of the Holy Spirit which crosses boundaries in unexpected ways as we read Acts 2 alongside the life of Mary Reynolds with music by Corey Henry and Solabel. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804


Worship is rooted in how resurrection stories in scripture & the new science of Dr. Dacher Keltner on everyday wonder transform life through the emotion of Awe. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Place Your Bet!

In this final week of a three-week worship series, we will explore Father Richard Rohr’s reading of the Sermon on the Mount with attention to final verses of Jesus’ sermon. Father Richard writes in Jesus’ Alternative Plan: The Sermon on the Mount, “Like any good spiritual teacher, Jesus sums up his sermon by calling his listeners to a choice, or an ‘altar call,’ as the tent meetings would describe it. The options are set before us in very clear and…

Pray Like This!

Many people believe it would simply be impossible to live the sermon on the mount while others believe the sermon on the mount sums up the totality of what our life on earth ought to be under God. Reading Matthew 5 – 7 may leave us desperately proclaiming, “You can’t be serious!” In this second week of a three-week worship series, we will explore Father Richard Rohr’s reading of the Sermon on the Mount with attention to the Lord’s Prayer.…

You Can’t Be Serious!

Many people believe it would simply be impossible to live the sermon on the mount while others believe the sermon on the mount sums up the totality of what our life on earth ought to be under God. Reading Matthew 5 – 7 may leave us desperately proclaiming, “You can’t be serious!” In this first week of a three-week worship series, we will explore Father Richard Rohr’s reading of the Sermon on the Mount. Father Rohr writes, “Jesus’ new world…
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