Sermons on reaching in love (Page 13)

Sermons on reaching in love (Page 13)

Unexpected Guides

Our worship series, This Christian Life, is based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories this morning focus on Unexpected Guides. How might the story of Philip and the eunuch from Acts 8.26-40 guide us to faithfully engage the complexities of gender identity and gender performance in the 21st century?

Inside Job

Worship this morning is rooted in the Book of Esther. Esther’s Inside Job prevented the genocide of her people.  Matt and Linda also share stories on the Inside Jobs of Robert McAfee & Sydney Thomson Brown and Bishop Mel Talbert. What Inside Job might God be calling you to?

Weighing What Matters

This is the first-week in our new worship series, This Christian Life, based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories focus on Weighing What Matters.

Preparing Our Endings

Matt’s message is rooted in John 12.20-36.  How might we look toward the end of our own lives and make decisions that will shape our dying in love?

Losing Our Lives

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 8.31-38. What might it look like for us to lose our lives for the sake of the Gospel?

Love Letters

Matt’s message is rooted in Philippians 4.10-20.  How is God shaping our hearts in gratitude and generosity? What might we learn from Paul’s letter to the church in Philippi and how might our lives align more fully with our values & passions today?

Rachel Weeping

Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 2.18-23.  Worship includes spoken word by The Tubman House Graduate Academy.  Rachel wept for God’s children long ago?  God weeps with us today as well.

Seeing the Nativity

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 2.22-40. Simeon saw redemption in the Christ child.  Where will we see the Christ child in our lives today?

The Cock Crows

Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 13.24-37. This is the first week of our four-week Advent series called Advent at The Table.


Matt’s message invites reflection on the meaning and significance the Revelation of John might hold for our lives today.  This is the final week of our three week series on the writings attributed to John.

Deep Commitments

We celebrated the renewal of our Baptismal vows and our Deep Commitments in worship. Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 23.1-12. How will you root your life in Grace, grow in faith, reach in love, & give generously in the year ahead? How will the waters of baptism shape your faith and life?

Reaching in Love

Linda & Matt’s message invites reflection on reaching in love at The Table.  How will we reach in love in the year to come?  This is the third week of a five-week series called How Deep? The message is rooted in Matthew 14.22-33.  The music woven into the podcast was recorded live in worship on Sunday. Music & Lyrics by The Brilliance for both Rescue Me (Featuring Joe Kye) and Christ Be With Me (Featuring Bryce McAnally).
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