Sermons on reaching in love (Page 16)
Our celelbration of Pentecost is rooted in Acts 2.1-21 and the Afrobeat music of Fela Kuti and the hip hop of Agape (Dave Scherer). How are you conspiring with God and your neighbors to transform the world?
Reaching in Love
This worship series invites reflection on John 15 and the poetry of Wendell Berry. The scripture readings each week are a “mash-up” of John 15 and Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front. Matt’s message encourages our community to reach in love by making intentional choices related to food and farms.
Reaching in Love
Matt’s message is rooted in the story of Zacchaeus from Luke 19. Our journey toward a “new you” continues with Reaching in Love. How will the new you reach in love?
Deep Commitment
Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.34-46. This is the final week of our series called Deep. The worship series has invited our community to deepen our commitments in the following areas for the coming year: rooted in Grace, growing in faith, and reaching in love. This message invited our community into a time of communion and prayer and sharing our commitments.
Reaching in Love
Our worship invited reflection on reaching in love. Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.1-13. The meditation on the text is based on the writing of Steve Garnaas-Holmes (Unfolding Light October 2011).
Labor Day Worship
Our Labor Day Worship invites reflection on Dorothy Day’s donut plan and our sense of vocational calling. Greg Eddy, an organizer and activist for California teachers, and Antonio Garza, a local farmer, witness to their work and their callings.
Big Band
Linda’s message reflects on Matthew 16.21-28 and invites our community of faith to reach in love through the Sacramento Valley AIDS Run/Walk.
We reflect on what it means to reach in love as small groups, what we call Kitchen Tables in our community. Linda’s message is rooted in Paul’s letter to the Romans and a sermon by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Matt closes the message with an invitation to wonder about how our Kitchen Tables might sustain and embolden our efforts to reach in love through the gifts God bestows upon us all uniquely.
We reflect on what it means to reach in love as individuals. Linda’s message is rooted in the bold faithfulness of the Canaanite woman which led to the transformation of Jesus’ understanding of his mission (Matthew 15.21-28).
Treasure in the Field
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 13.44 the parable of the treasure in the field. Music selections include Jikelele (which means God is Everywhere -Universal), Do Justice by Dave Scherer of Agape, and All for the Love by Beth Nielsen Champman.
Ends of the Earth
Our Reaching in Love worship series continues with reflection on Acts 1.8. What might it mean to witness and reach in love “to the ends of the earth?” The recording opens and closes with our music team’s live version of Do Justice, with words and music by Agape (Dave Sherer).
Our Reaching in Love worship series continues with reflection on Acts 1.8. What might it mean to witness in Samaria? The recording closes with a cut from our music team’s live version of “All For The Love” by Beth Nielsen Chapman.