Sermons on reaching in love (Page 6)
Ruth the Moabite Other
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Kuan’s message weaves the migration story of Ruth with his own migration story.
Coming Home
Alexie Torres invites reflection on the great migration back to the heart of God in which we find each other.
Reaching in Love
Matt’s message hold’s Amanda Lindsey Cook’s newly released The New Country in conversation with Jeremiah 29 and Luke 17. As we reflect on ways to deepen our commitments to God and one another, what “new country” might God be calling you toward as you reach in love?
The Bottom Line
Micheal Pope was our special guest preacher. Micheal’s message is rooted in Luke 15.1-10.
The Bottom Line
Rev. Carol Estes was our special guest preacher for the opening worship of this series. Carols’ message is rooted in Luke 14.25-33.
Rebels with a Cause
Matt’s message is rooted in story of Jesus healing the bent over woman in Luke 13.10-17. Who might God be calling you to notice? How might you be called to accompany them as they rise to freedom?
In God We Trust
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 12.32-40. In the midst of a difficult week Linda shares her struggle to find the Good News of the Gospel in Jesus’ teaching that where our heart is, our treasure is also.
Linda’s message is rooted in Genesis 18: 1-10a. Abraham & Sarah offer hospitality to God echoing the radical hospitality that God offers to all. This story reminds all of us that we too have the freedom to receive and share in God’s hospitality in ways that transform the world as well.
Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 10.25-37
Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 10. As followers of Jesus, we can reliably root our lives in these two proclamations — “Peace to this house!” and “The kingdom of God has come near.” This is the good news we have to share! How will you share this good news in the coming days?
God Loves
Matt’s message is rooted in John 17.20-26 & As It Is In Heaven, a 2004 Swedish film nominated for an Academy Award. Jesus prays for all to be one in his farewell prayer around a table with the disciples. As It Is In Heaven beautifully witnesses to this truth and The Table longs to be a community which fosters deeper awareness of our oneness in God’s love. How might you join in Restoration at The Table in hopes of passing…
Love One Another
This worship series hold’s Norman Wirzba’s Way of Love alongside the gospel readings for the global church as we wonder together about the transforming power and possibilities of love. Linda’s message, Love One Another, is rooted in John 13:31-35.