Sermons on reaching in love (Page 8)

Sermons on reaching in love (Page 8)

Peace! Be Still!

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 4.35-41. How might this story of Jesus journeying “just as he is” to the other side as a storm rages call us to engage the storms of our world today? Into the chaos and fear…Jesus calls out: “Peace! Be still!” How might our voices join with his today?


Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 2.23-3.6 and the revival of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign. How might we be inspired and challenged by Jesus’s reclaiming of sabbath-keeping as resistance to the religious & political establishment’s desire for stability at the expense of those who are hungry & suffering?

Complicated Relationships

Linda’s message is rooted in Acts 1:13-17, 21-26 & the 2017 Academy nominated film “Lady Bird.”  Relationships are complicated. Whether it is a group of disciples choosing to replace one among their ranks or Lady Bird and her mother, this scripture points to prayer as one of the ways to listen to God’s guidance. When you are in a complicated relationship what guides your choices?  Is there a way in which pausing for prayer this week might inform your next…

Even Them?

Matt’s message holds his conversion experience along the US/Mexico boarder in conversation with Peter’s conversion story from Acts 10. How might we be called to follow the Risen One in crossing boundaries, repairing breaches, and joining with God in taking the crucified down from the cross?

Embracing Diversity in Gender & Sexuality

Matt’s message holds the story of the Ethiopian eunuch from Acts 8. 26-40 in conversation with Lady Bird’s representation of gender & sexuality.  What might scripture have to teach us about embracing diversity in gender and sexuality today?

Embracing/Rejecting the Name

Linda’s message is rooted in Acts 4:5-12. The name of Jesus  was initially rejected, but would become the cornerstone.  Lady Bird’s given name is “Christine” yet she rejects this name and gives herself a new name. Linda’s message invites reflection on what it means to claim the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Wrong Side of the Tracks

Matt’s message is rooted in Acts 4.32-35 & the 2017 Academy nominated film “Lady Bird.” Making real the promises of God’s resurrection power will require us to honestly confront who we are. No myths. No fables. Evil sent the Prince of Peace to his tomb on Friday, but the Risen One got up and kept fighting. May the church, as God’s community that is set apart, be called to do the same.

The Politics of Palm Sunday

Pastor Chris shared a Palm Sunday message rooted in Mark 11.1-11 at The Table this morning. What might the political implications of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem have to say about our day today in Sacramento?


Matt’s message is rooted in Jeremiah 31.31-34 & this week’s national student walkout (#enough). The people of God were in the midst of devastating conquest and exile when God spoke a word of promise to Jeremiah. Into their wilderness experience, God promised to make a new covenant by writing the law/teaching on the hearts of the people. What promise might God be writing on our hearts today? What is God saying #enough to in our world today? The day is…

Becoming Evangelical

Linda’s message reflects on her journey toward embracing what it means to be evangelical. From an initial encounter with a televangelist to heart-felt conversations with faithful evangelical people in our community, she wonders who God is calling her to empathize with for the sake of the Gospel. Linda’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 9.16-23. Paul writes, “I have become all things to all people, so that I might by any means save some. I do it all for the…


After experiencing the power of women’s voices in the #metoo movement, this week’s message in the first chapter of Mark where Jesus is baptized by John and the heavens declare that he is loved by God. This love is for all of  us. How might we reflect that love for all God’s children?
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