Sermons on rooted in grace

Sermons on rooted in grace

Rest & Growth

Guest Rev. Mark Cordes shares a message rooted in Luke 13:6-9. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Faith & Works

Pastor Matt’s message invites reflection on the story of Mary and Martha from Luke 10:38-42; unpacking some of the destructive ways this story has been read through history and inviting our community to see ourselves anew in both of these sisters. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Stranger & Neighbor

Our Lenten worship series is inspired by A Sanctified Art and called Everything [In] Between. This worship series will be an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find…

Memorial for Rev. Linda Dew-Hiersoux

Celebration of God’s faithfulness in the life of Rev. Linda Dew-Hiersoux Linda Susan Dew-Hiersoux (January 10, 1961 – February 16, 2025) Saturday, March 8, 10am at The Table (5265 H Street Sacramento, CA 95819) O Day of Peace Welcome & Opening Prayer (Rev. Mike Harrell) Reach Out Poem: Ode to a Lullaby by Isaac Glenn Dew-Hiersoux (Cesca Wolos-Fonteno) Wildflowers Reflections on the Life of Linda Dew-Hiersoux Hilary (Holly) Beban + Dawn James Rachael Dew-Hiersoux Grady Knowles Rev. Ginnie Pearson Brenden…

Intention & Action (Ash Wednesday)

Our Lenten worship series is inspired by A Sanctified Art and called Everything [In] Between. This worship series will be an invitation to navigate the polarities in our lives with more faith, intention, and openness to be transformed. Each weekly sub-theme explores two supposed binaries, like “faith & works” or “rest & growth,” or “grief & hope.” We often consider these ideas to be opposing. However, as we explore these concepts within the scriptures, we find nuance and complexity. We find…


This worship series is inspired by our community of faith’s Deep Commitments for 2025 and will celebrate the diverse ways God shows up in our lives and the world. A number of people expressed a longing to root their lives in grace by more intentionally deconstructing the toxic images of God which have shaped them. Many in our community are hoping to work this coming year on letting go of harmful images of God while opening up to the new…


This worship series is inspired by our community of faith’s Deep Commitments for 2025 and will celebrate the diverse ways God shows up in our lives and the world. A number of people expressed a longing to root their lives in grace by more intentionally deconstructing the toxic images of God which have shaped them. Many in our community are hoping to work this coming year on letting go of harmful images of God while opening up to the new…


This worship series is inspired by our community of faith’s Deep Commitments for 2025 and will celebrate the diverse ways God shows up in our lives and the world. A number of people expressed a longing to root their lives in grace by more intentionally deconstructing the toxic images of God which have shaped them. Many in our community are hoping to work this coming year on letting go of harmful images of God while opening up to the new…
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