Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 17)
The Politics of Palm Sunday
Pastor Chris shared a Palm Sunday message rooted in Mark 11.1-11 at The Table this morning. What might the political implications of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem have to say about our day today in Sacramento?
Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus being driven into the wilderness for 40 days (Mark 1.9-15). Wilderness is a place & season of disorientation, loss, & pain. How might God be calling us all into a season of wilderness this Lent?
For the first time in 73 years, Valentine’s Day falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday. What might the story of Valentine teach us about Ash Wednesday as we begin our Lenten journey? Matt’s message on this Ash Wednesday is rooted in the story of Valentine as shared by Godly Play.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Chris’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus’ transfiguration in Mark 2.2-9.
From Farm-to-Fork to a Revolution of Love
Matt’s message is rooted in 1 Corinthians 8.1-13. Paul was writing to the church in Corinth about how their relationship with food was standing in opposition to an ethic of love. What might we learn from this ancient letter for our day? What might Paul’s wisdom to the church in Corinth have to teach us about the farm-to-fork movement today?
Toxic Masculinity
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 1.21-28 & invites reflection on disrupting toxic masculinity.
I Am Not
The hopes & fears of all the years will be met in a vulnerable child in a little town that is both far away and right here. John was clear he was not the long awaited Messiah and embraced his calling to be a witness. Matt’s Advent message weaves reflections on the story of our church community with readings from Isaiah 61.1-11 and John 1.6-8,19-28. How might grace inspire and shape our call to be witnesses to a new redemption…
Resolve to Forgive
Pastor Chris has created this worship series called Baggage as part of his Path 1 Residency in Church Planting at The Table. In this last week of his three-week worship series, Chris walks us through the story of Joseph and his brothers, rooted in Genesis 50. 15-21. How do you bring peace back to your spirit after it has been broken so bad by others? Can we learn to be more willing to relinquish our rights to our baggage and allow…
Let It Go
Pastor Chris has created this worship series called Baggage as part of his Path 1 Residency in Church Planting at The Table. This three-week worship series will weave reflection on Scripture with the baggage we carry in our day-to-day lives. . Chris’s message for September 10 is rooted in Matthew 11.25-30. Jesus promises to lighten our load as we let go of our burdens. What baggage might you be called to release today?
Radical Ritual
Over sixty thousand people gathered this week for Burning Man to celebrate Radical Ritual. As thousands searched for purpose & meaning on the playa, we gathered in worship at The Table to reflect on the depth & beauty of our ancient tradition’s radical rituals. Pastor Matt invites reflection on the radical roots of Holy Communion. Pastor Linda reminds us of the healing waters of Baptism. Pastor Chris challenges us to receive God’s anointing for our work in the world.
Found, Take 3
Jesus asks his followers, “Who do you say I am?” Matt’s message weaves this question from Matthew 16.13-20 with an unexpected experience of being found by grace at a nation-wide vigil called Standing in Solidarity with Charlottesville. This is the third week of our worship series, Found, focused on noticing & celebrating grace in our everyday lives.
Found, Take 2
Pastor Chris reflects on his experience with being found by grace amidst struggle and draws upon the story of Jesus & the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15.21-28) to challenge listeners to join with God in flipping the script of evil by coming out of lethargy, out of apathy, out of inactivity. This is the second week of our worship series, Found, focused on noticing & celebrating grace in our everyday lives.