Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 19)

Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 19)

All-Vulnerable God

Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 9.35-10.8 and Richard Rohr’s The Divine Dance: Trinity and Your Transformation. On this Father’s Day, we’re invited to rethink the power of God as powerlessness & love. How might the vulnerability of God restore us to community and call us to invite others into the Divine Dance?

Brave & Brokenhearted

Linda’s message invites reflection on John 17.1-17 and Brené Brown’s Rising Strong. Jesus prayed for his followers to experience eternal life through an ever deepening relationship with God. How might the prayer of Jesus become our story? What will it look like to practice of Rising Strong in your work, your home, and your communities?

The Rumbling Continued…

Matt’s message is rooted in John 14. 15-21. Jesus promises the disciples that God will not leave them orphaned. God is sending the Holy Spirit as another paraclete, or helper, to accompany them. How might this promise guide us in rumbling with the stories of our lives as we Rise Strong in and through God’s love?

Owning Our Stories

Matt’s message is rooted in Luke 24.13-35 and Brené Brown’s invitation to “own our own stories” in the process of Rising Strong. How might we Rise Strong with God in the wake of this week’s rulings by the Judicial Council of the United Methodist Church?

easter sunrise

Linda’s message for Easter sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park is rooted in the resurrection story from John. We celebrated the baptism of one adult and three children as we gathered in the rose garden as the sun rose on Easter.


Matt’s message is rooted in the story of resurrection from Matthew 28.1-10. Christ has risen and goes before us!

Holy Friday

Our Holy Friday evening worship at The Table weaves the story of Jesus’ crucifixion from the Gospel of John with music from The Brilliance. Linda’s message invites us to reflect on what the death of Jesus might mean to us in relationship to claiming him as Christ.

Ash Wednesday

Our morning Ash Wednesday gathering at The Table weaves readings from Isaiah 58, 2 Corinthians, & Matthew with Dust We Are and Shall Return by The Brilliance. Matt’s message starts around 11:00 minutes into the recording and invites reflection on the the ashes of Ash Wednesday. Elias Lucero is on guitar & Omari Tau on vocals. Readings by Donald Smith, Megan Pritchett, & Brenda Dabney.

Christmas Day

Linda’s message on Christmas Day is rooted in Luke 2.15-20. We wonder & share about Christmas moments as we celebrate the coming of God among us.

Christmas Eve

Linda’s message for our 11:00 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve gathering is rooted in the Christmas story from John’s Gospel. What frame might allow us to see the light coming among us? Linda’s message is woven with selections from our music team’s live rendition of Josh Garrels’ recently released song called The Light Came Down.

Christmas Eve

Matt’s message for our 5:00 pm Candlelight Christmas Eve gathering is rooted in the Christmas story from Luke 2 & Room for a Little One by Martin Waddell & Jason Croft. As we celebrate a Little One who came for the world, may we finder way to the alley & make room for one another. And, may we all join the people in a chorus of praise: Glory to God this night.


Matt’s message is rooted in the dream of Joseph (Matthew 1.18-25). On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember God’s call to Joseph in a dream. How might we follow Joseph in saying yes to the power, mystery, and scandalous love waiting to be born amidst shame & disgrace?
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