Sermons on John (Page 2)
Worship is rooted in how resurrection stories in scripture & the new science of Dr. Dacher Keltner on everyday wonder transform life through the emotion of Awe. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Our Easter worship is rooted in the resurrection account from John and the poetry of Wendell Berry who calls us to “practicing resurrection” in response to the resurrection on Easter — learning from the fox, the leaves, and the soil, among other revolutionaries. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
How Will We Bear It?
Our Lenten worship series is rooted in scripture and the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry; today’s worship focusing on John 18:1-19:30 & Wendell Berry Poem: II, 1988, “It is the destruction of the world” Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
God Rests in Rising
Our Lenten worship series is rooted in scripture and the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry; today’s worship focusing on John 11.1-44 & Wendell Berry’s poem I, 1980, “What hard travail God does in death!” (This Day, p. 25). Message by guest Rev. Odette Lockwood-Stewart. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Stuck in the Mud
Our Lenten worship series is rooted in scripture and the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry; today’s worship focusing on John 9 & Wendell Berry’s poem VI, 1987, “Remembering that it happened once.” (This Day, p. 80). Message by guest Rev. Linda Loessberg-Zahl. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Again I resume the long lesson
Our Lenten worship series is rooted in scripture and the Sabbath poetry of Wendell Berry; today’s worship focusing on John 3:1-17 & Wendell Berry’s poem VII, 1999, “Again I resume the long” (This Day, 201). Matt’s message invites our community to debunk exploiter’s exclusive and transactional readings of John 3.16 and to celebrate an inclusive and grace-inspired non-transactional way of hearing John 3.16 within its broader context. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
God Dwells With Us
Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804 Opportunities to Reach in Love for Christmas Our Christmas Offering during this worship series called From Generation to Generation will support two important ministries: Half of our Christmas Offering will go directly to the South Sacramento Interfaith Partnership’s Food Closet. The other half of our Christmas Offering will help Table Bread purchase a commercial stand mixer. Here is a link to give online. Give online here to support our Christmas Offering.…
Accept That There is an End
We journey with John’s Gospel in the season of Easter as we practice resurrection through the lens of “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. Priya Parker writes, …Pastor Linda’s message invites reflection on the challenge of ending well so we might begin anew. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Never Start a Funeral with Logistics
We journey with John’s Gospel in the season of Easter as we practice resurrection through the lens of “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. Priya Parker writes in a section of chapter five titled “Before your event starts, it has begun,” “Your gathering begins at the moment your guests first learn of it. This may sound obvious, but it’s not. If it were obvious, hosts wouldn’t fail to host the pregame for their gathering as often as they do.”…
Creating a Temporary Alternative World
We journey with John’s Gospel in the season of Easter as we practice resurrection through the lens of “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. Priya Parker writes, “So far, we have explored how to anchor your gathering in a meaningful purpose. How to close doors on the basis of that purpose. And how to be a host who takes care of your guests by taking the right kind of charge. These decisions will give your gathering a solid foundation….The (next) question…is: How do I mix things up at my next gathering and create a temporary alternative world?” Pastor Linda’s message invites reflection on the alternative world we inhabit each week as we celebrate the sacrament of Holy Communion. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Don’t Be a Chill Host
We journey with John’s Gospel in the season of Easter as we practice resurrection through the lens of “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. Priya Parker writes, “Now you know how to craft a bold and clear purpose for your gathering and how to close doors based on it. The next step is to think about your role as host. How will you run your gathering? “CHILL” IS SELFISHNESS DISGUISED AS KINDNESS.” Pastor Matt’s message invites reflection on how the Risen One calls us to host. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
Close Doors
We journey with John’s Gospel in the season of Easter as we practice resurrection through the lens of “The Art of Gathering” by Priya Parker. “Inviting people is easy, excluding people can be hard.” At The Table we say “All Means All.” Pastor Linda’s message with invite wondering about how exclusion might just be the best strategy for growing in faith. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804