Sermons on Mark (Page 4)
What do you do with the mad that you feel?
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 9.38-50. In the wake of a divisive US Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Thursday, Matt looks back on the moment Mister Rogers’ witness at a previous hearing became a tipping point. What do we do with the mad that we feel?
Make Christianity Great Again
Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 9.30-37. Jesus asked the disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?” But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another who was the greatest. What does greatness look like for followers of Jesus?
Are You Ready?
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 8.27-38. How might this tipping point in the Gospel of Mark call us to surrender our thin faith and find our way to costly discipleship?
Little Bit%#!
How might the raw and contentious encounter of Jesus with a Gentile woman of Syrophoenician origin be a tipping point for him and all of us? Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 7.24-37.
Do not be afraid, only believe.
Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 5.21-43. When Jairus finds his daughter at the point of death, he brings Jesus to her. Jesus responds, “Do not fear, only believe.” Many among us feel an epidemic of fear spreading in our nation & around the world. How might the this story of Jesus inspire and challenge us to let go of our fear and believe that the long arc of the moral universe really does bend toward justice?
Peace! Be Still!
Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 4.35-41. How might this story of Jesus journeying “just as he is” to the other side as a storm rages call us to engage the storms of our world today? Into the chaos and fear…Jesus calls out: “Peace! Be still!” How might our voices join with his today?
Linda’s message is rooted in two parables from Mark 4:26-34. Jesus uses parables about scattering seeds and mustard plants to challenge & inspire followers in his day and all of us today to notice the kin-dom of God growing all around us.
Linda’s message weaves reflections from four persons from our community of faith with Mark 3.20-35 and the revival of the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign. How might this encounter from the Gospel of Mark challenge & inspire us to rethink our understandings of family and the social structures in which we move? How might this witness lure us deeper into the messiness of love?
Easter Sunday
Pastor Linda’s Easter message holds the resurrection story from the Gospel of Mark in conversation with Resurrecting Easter by John Dominic & Sarah Crossan. What might ancient images of resurrection from Eastern churches have to teach us in the West about resurrection?
The Politics of Palm Sunday
Pastor Chris shared a Palm Sunday message rooted in Mark 11.1-11 at The Table this morning. What might the political implications of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem have to say about our day today in Sacramento?
No one likes intervention. Intervention is uncomfortable and fraught with fear. Like getting rapped on the knuckles, intervention stings. Matt’s message holds an ancient story of Jesus’ intervening love (Mark 8.31-38) in conversation with Amy Winehouse’s song Rehab and Brené Brown important work on guilt & shame. How might we open to God’s intervening love as we journey through the wilderness of Lent toward rehabilitating our spiritual lives?
Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus being driven into the wilderness for 40 days (Mark 1.9-15). Wilderness is a place & season of disorientation, loss, & pain. How might God be calling us all into a season of wilderness this Lent?