Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux (Page 14)

Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux (Page 14)

Baptism in the Trinitarian Flow of Love

Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 28.16-20 and writings of Father Richard Rohr. Linda invites us to wonder about our baptism into the trinitarian flow of love. What might it mean for us to be baptized & sent in this way?

Brave & Brokenhearted

Linda’s message invites reflection on John 17.1-17 and Brené Brown’s Rising Strong. Jesus prayed for his followers to experience eternal life through an ever deepening relationship with God. How might the prayer of Jesus become our story? What will it look like to practice of Rising Strong in your work, your home, and your communities?

The Rumble

Linda’s message is rooted in John 14.1-14. Linda draws upon the writing of Brené Brown to invite reflection on how we might rumble with the emotions & stories that arise when we find ourselves face down in the arena. Jesus promises to share the truth with his followers. How might we uncover the truth of our own lives by rumbling with the stories we tell ourselves about our disappointments and failures?

The Arena

Linda’s message is rooted in John 20.19-31 and introduces our Easter journey into Rising Strong. This worship series holds the lectionary readings for the season of Easter in conversation with Rising Strong by Brené Brown.

easter sunrise

Linda’s message for Easter sunrise in the Rose Garden at McKinley Park is rooted in the resurrection story from John. We celebrated the baptism of one adult and three children as we gathered in the rose garden as the sun rose on Easter.

Holy Friday

Our Holy Friday evening worship at The Table weaves the story of Jesus’ crucifixion from the Gospel of John with music from The Brilliance. Linda’s message invites us to reflect on what the death of Jesus might mean to us in relationship to claiming him as Christ.

Jesus & the Man Born Blind

Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Jesus and the man born blind (John 9.1-41). Where in your life might you feel blind and long to see? How might we nurture one another in our community of faith as we seek to recognize Jesus in our midst?


Linda’s message is rooted in Leviticus 19: 1-18. To be Holy is to seek God in all things that we do. May we seek to love others just as God loves us each and every day.

Fix it

The prophet Isaiah challenges the people of God in his day to move beyond empty religious rituals by integrating their spiritual disciplines with God’s call to justice-making. Isaiah concludes this section, “you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.” Linda’s message invites reflection on how God might be calling us to be repairers of the breach, restorers of the streets in our day.


Linda’s message is rooted in Isaiah 49: 1-7. The idea of rescue in one’s life can often become individualistic. In order to live life together as a whole, we must seek to be the rescuers of each other and see the servant as both the faithful individual AND the obedient community.


Linda’s message is rooted in the call to justice found in Isaiah 42: 1-9. The name for our worship series, Life Together, is taken from a book by this name by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a prophetic Lutheran pastor who led a resistance movement during the rise of Hitler in Germany. Linda’s message sketches Bonhoeffer’s life and weaves his writings with those of the ancient prophet Isaiah. We hope this worship series on Life Together will embolden and challenge us to follow in the…
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