Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux (Page 23)
Renovation by Grace
Linda’s message is rooted in Ephesians 2.19-22 and invites reflection on how we might embrace renovation by Grace.
Front Porch
Linda’s message continues our worship series titled from DIY to renovation by Grace. The message is rooted in Ephesians 2.1-7. How is God’s prevenient Grace crashing your life?
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 2.1-12 and the church’s celebration of Epiphany. La’Jon Walker is our guest vocalist.
It Gets Better
Linda’s message is rooted in Micah 5.2-5. What words of hope did Micah offer to the people of God who had known great unrest and turmoil in the northern Kingdom and Jerusalem in ancient days? Where will we turn today to find glimpses of hope? Included video of LA’s Gay Men’s Chorus. (4 of 4)
Refiner’s Fire
Linda’s message is rooted in Malachi 3.1-4. How is the refiner’s fire shaping what waits within you this Advent season? (2 of 4)
Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of Mark
Linda’s message is rooted in Mark 6.6-13 and explores the life of Jesus in the first half of Mark’s Gospel. This is the second Sunday in a three-week journey through the Gospel of Mark.
Jumping into the Story of Mark
Linda’s message is rooted in the opening chapter of Mark’s Gospel. This is the first in a three-week journey through the Gospel of Mark.
We’re in this Together
Linda’s message is rooted in Parker Palmer’s Healing the Heart of Democracy and Romans 5.1-5. We begin our journey toward healing the heart of democracy with reflection on the ways in which we are all in this together. (Part 1 of 5)
Will the Real Christian Please Stand Up
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 25.31-46. Having reflected on the practice of hospitality in the Hebrew Bible, we turn this morning to Matthew’s gospel and the scene of Jesus’ “last judgement.”
Celebrating the Fruits of Our Labors
Our worship gathering celebrated the fruits of our labors. We blessed the various ways people in our community live out God’s calling in their lives through working and laboring in the world. Linda’s message is rooted in James 1.17-27.
Knitting Faith
Linda’s message invites reflection on knitting and faith. The message is rooted in Psalm 139.13-15.
Olympic Memories
Linda’s message concludes our series on Olympic Faith with reflection on Olympic memories and John 6.35, 41-51.