Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux (Page 24)

Sermons by Linda Dew-Hiersoux (Page 24)

Liberal Protestantism

We transition from the movement of religious fervor that spread across the United States in the nineteenth century to the rise of liberal protestantism in the early twentieth century.  Linda’s message invites reflection on the Social Gospel, intersections of faith and the political realm, and changes to the order of worship.

Earliest Followers of Jesus

We continue our journey with a “stop” in the house churches of early Christianity.  Worship began outdoors with singing and Scripture and then moved into the Social Hall where we gathered on floor in “houses” to read from the Didache and break bread together.

A Journeying People

We begin our journey with one of the earliest examples of worship in the Bible. The Israelite people celebrate their escape from Egypt and Miriam steps forward to “give Praise to God” by singing, dancing, drumming & shouting.  Worship began outdoors with singing and Scripture.  We moved into the Sanctuary and Linda’s message invites reflection on the beginnings of worship.

Growing in Faith

This series called Farm to Table invites reflection on John 15 and the poetry of Wendell Berry.  The scripture readings each week are a “mash-up” of John 15 and Manifesto: The Mad Farmer Liberation Front.  Linda’s sermon focuses on abiding in God’s love through Kitchen Tables as we seek to grow in faith.


This worship series is rooted in Acts 4.32.-35. For the early church depicted in the book of Acts, the resurrection of Christ is less a creedal article of individual faith and hope than a creative force of community formation. How are we, as people of the resurrection, called to relate to our finances on this side of Easter? John Wesley writes, “Having, first, gained all you can, and, secondly saved all you can, then give all you can.” How will…


Linda’s message is rooted in the life of Lorenza Andrade Smith and John 12.20-33.  As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into trust.


Linda’s message is rooted in the life of Bayard Rustin and John 2.13-22.  As we journey toward the cross with Jesus, we’re invited to reflect on how we might be broken open into authenticity.  A clip from Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin is included in this message.

Follow Me

Our series on Leadership begins with Linda’s message on Jesus’ call to follow.  How might we turn from “leadership cults” to “followership cultures”?

Curtain Call

Linda’s message invites our community to reflect the roles of Simeon and Anna in the Christmas story (Luke 2:22-40).  Casting Christmas (6 of 6)


Linda’s message invites our community to reflect on Mary and her leading role in the Christmas story.  As we prepare for the mystery of Christmas, how might we say:  Here I am.  Casting Christmas (2 of 4)
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