Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 4)

Sermons by Matt Smith (Page 4)

We make room

Luke’s Gospel tells us that when Mary gives birth to Jesus, she lays him in a manger, for there was no place for them in the guest room. Scholars argue about where, exactly, the birth occurs—and why. Was it in a stable or the living room of a simple peasant home? Was Bethlehem teeming with visitors who were also there to be counted in the census? Was Joseph’s family inhospitable because they disapproved of his marital situation? Regardless of where…

We allow ourselves to be amazed

After Elizabeth gives birth, her neighbors and family celebrate with her. When it comes time to name the child, Zechariah affirms the name given by the angel and by Elizabeth. In that moment of affirming the promise, Zechariah’s speech is restored. Everyone is filled with awe. How often do you allow yourself to be amazed? Wonder is all around us—can we recognize it? As we learn how to rejoice in a weary world, can we live in a way that…

We acknowledge our weariness

As Advent begins, we start by acknowledging the weariness, grief, rage, and hopelessness we carry—and we also affirm that we are made for joy. Joy is designed to live in a full house of other emotions. We start the season with Zechariah and Elizabeth; they have battled infertility and have lived many years steadfast in their faith. Perhaps they feel the weight of hopes and dreams unattained. The angel comes to Zechariah with a promise of good news, but Zechariah…


While conservative interpreters might believe that prophets were predictors and progressives tend to believe the prophets to be simply social advocates, Dr. Walter Brueggemann argues that the prophets were “emancipated imaginers of alternative.” Emancipated from the dominant thinking of their societies, the prophets imagined an alternative reality and invited listeners to join them in their commitment to that new reality. This four-week worship series in November at The Table will invite our community of faith to reflect upon the themes…


While conservative interpreters might believe that prophets were predictors and progressives tend to believe the prophets to be simply social advocates, Dr. Walter Brueggemann argues that the prophets were “emancipated imaginers of alternative.” Emancipated from the dominant thinking of their societies, the prophets imagined an alternative reality and invited listeners to join them in their commitment to that new reality. This four-week worship series in November at The Table will invite our community of faith to reflect upon the themes…

Oh, My Heart

The Table was initially planted 13 years ago with worship beginning in October of 2010. We’ll celebrate this milestone with worship focused on JOY throughout October. We will hold the book “Inciting Joy” by Ross Gay alongside the Gospel readings for the global Christian church. This week we hold Ross Gay’s essay entitled “Oh, My Heart” alongside Jesus call to give God what is God’s. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Free Fruit for All

The Table was initially planted 13 years ago with worship beginning in October of 2010. We’ll celebrate this milestone with worship focused on JOY throughout October. We will hold the book “Inciting Joy” by Ross Gay alongside the Gospel readings for the global Christian church. This week we notice what we love in common.Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804


Our worship series in September will hold current cultural touchpoints from the airwaves (Grammy), small screen (Emmy), large screen (Oscar), and theater (Tony) in conversation with the Gospel readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. This week we turn to the Broadway musical Hadestown & Jesus’ parable on laborers and a householder. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Ted Lasso

Our worship series in September will hold current cultural touchpoints from the airwaves (Grammy), small screen (Emmy), large screen (Oscar), and theater (Tony) in conversation with the Gospel readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. This week we turn to the small screen and the show Ted Lasso.Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Taylor Swift

Our worship series in September will hold current cultural touchpoints from the airwaves (Grammy), small screen (Emmy), large screen (Oscar), and theater (Tony) in conversation with the Gospel readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. This week we turn to the music of Taylor Swift. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804


Our worship series in September will hold current cultural touchpoints from the airwaves (Grammy), small screen (Emmy), large screen (Oscar), and theater (Tony) in conversation with the Gospel readings assigned to the global Christian church by the lectionary. This week we turn to Greta Gerwig’s Barbie & Matthew 16.21-28. Worship online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

The Penitent Thief on the Cross

Worship today at The Table invites reflection upon the ways we might unconsciously mock Jesus and where in our own lives we might find ourselves truly seeing Jesus with eyes of love like the penitent thief on the cross. When are we mocking Jesus? When are we truly seeing Jesus in our midst? Worship is online with CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
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