"hope" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

"hope" Tagged Sermons (Page 3)

How does Jesus save us?

Our worship series is rooted in the reflections and contemplative practices of Father Richard Rohr on resurrection. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest and the Founding Director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. His writings encourage contemplation as the means of discovering the transformational ways in which he understands that “God is coming to us as our lives.” Worship this morning is rooted in Luke 17:11-19 and invites deeper reflection on how Jesus saves us.

Jesus Hermeneutic

Our worship series is rooted in the reflections and contemplative practices of Father Richard Rohr on resurrection. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest and the Founding Director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. His writings encourage contemplation as the means of discovering the transformational ways in which he understands that “God is coming to us as our lives.” Worship this morning is rooted in Matthew 22:34-40 and wondering together about the “Jesus Hermeneutic.”

YOU are a Cheetah

Our worship series is rooted in the reflections and contemplative practices of Father Richard Rohr on resurrection. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest and the Founding Director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. His writings encourage contemplation as the means of discovering the transformational ways in which he understands that “God is coming to us as our lives.” Worship this morning is rooted in Ephesians 1:3-12 and invites us into the reality that we are all…

Sit Down

Our worship series is rooted in the reflections and contemplative practices of Father Richard Rohr on resurrection. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan friar and Catholic priest and the Founding Director of the Center for Action and Contemplation. His writings encourage contemplation as the means of discovering the transformational ways in which he understands that “God is coming to us as our lives.” Worship this morning is rooted in Luke 24.1-5 and invites us to stop running from resurrection.

A New Creation

We gather on Easter morning to celebrate the subversive power and hope of resurrection in a world beset by brokenness and death. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804 Call to Worship, Prayer of Confession & Assurance of Pardon adapted from “Liturgy by Sarah Are | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org”

Chosen Home

Home is not necessarily a place, but where we find authentic belonging. Worship is rooted in the story of a young Jesus straying from his birth family after the Passover to dwell in the Temple. Matt’s message invites reflection on Jesus’ adolescent journey toward belonging and the long journey to belonging of activist and scholar bell hooks in hopes that we might all come to know in the depths of our bones that our true home is found in God.…

11pm Invited Home

11pm Candlelight Christmas Eve with The Table. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

5pm Invited Home

5pm Candlelight Christmas Eve worship with The Table. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

A Home For All

Worship is rooted in the story of John crying out from the wilderness: “bear fruit worthy of repentance.” Pastor Matt’s message reflects upon a contemporary and unexpected example of what this looks like in our day. The witness comes from a short film called Holding Still which tells story of how contemplative prayer transformed the lives of men who were formerly incarcerated at Folsom Prison. The lives of Lawrence and others have been changed and they are experiencing deep joy…


We begin the Advent journey amid the beautiful darkness of the Sanctuary by reflecting upon the ache for home which lives within us all as we turn to watch for the birth of Hope at Christmas. Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804
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