"hope" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

"hope" Tagged Sermons (Page 4)

Making All Things New

Worship is rooted in Revelation 21.1-8. The Greek word for “revelation” is apokalypsis. It literally means “A lifting of the veil.” Dr. Micah D. Kiel argues that John, the stated author of the book of Revelation, does not prescribe the destruction of the earth, but rather envisions an ecological alternative where God is sovereign, the Earth matters and has a voice, and Revelation offers a glimpse of wild and uncultivated places as the future that God will create. In this…

Earth’s Voice

The Greek word for “revelation” is apokalypsis. It literally means “A lifting of the veil.” Dr. Micah D. Kiel argues that John, the stated author of the book of Revelation, does not prescribe the destruction of the earth, but rather envisions an ecological alternative where God is sovereign, the Earth matters and has a voice, and Revelation offers a glimpse at wild and uncultivated places as the future that God will create. In this second of a three-part series, Pastor…

I pledge allegiance

The Greek word for “revelation” is apokalypsis. It literally means “A lifting of the veil.” Dr. Micah D. Kiel argues that John, the stated author of the book of Revelation, does not prescribe the destruction of the earth, but rather envisions an ecological alternative where God is sovereign, the Earth matters and has a voice, and Revelation offers a glimpse at wild and uncultivated places as the future that God will create. In this first of a three-part series, Pastor Matt…

Things Come Together Then Fall Apart

Worship is rooted in Psalm 146. Carrie Newcomer sings, “Things come together then fall apart.” Where do we turn as pandemic unfolds and languishing becomes a new normal for many of us? What wisdom and resilience might we find in from the ancient Psalmist for our day today? Worship online with thetable.live. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Did Jesus Really Dog Whistle?

Worship online with The Table 9:30am Sunday (August 16) shared from our homes to your home. Help flatten the curve and find bread for the journey with The Table. CCLI #805699 / CCLI Streaming #094804

Falling and Rising

Worship on this first Sunday in the season of Christmas is rooted in Luke 2.22-40. Matt & Linda invite reflection on the blessing of the infant Jesus by Simeon & Anna. How might God be calling us into a life of falling and rising?

Tending Soil

Linda’s message is rooted in Philippians 3.4b-14.  What seeds might God be planting within you that need your tending in order to grow? What’s holding you back from taking your next step of growing in faith?

Hidden Figures

Linda’s message weaves the acclaimed film Hidden Figures  with Paul’s letter to early Christians in Rome (Romans 8.12-25). Hidden Figures shares the story of three female, African-American mathematicians who serve a critical role in the early years of NASA space program. Their lives were often hidden from the powers that be. The math they uncovered was also hidden from other scientists of their time. Just has God was moving through these hidden figures,  God was also moving through a hidden…

An Unnamed Woman

Matt’s message is rooted in the story of the Unnamed Woman in Judges 19: 1-30. May we listen to the lessons in this story and focus our hearts on those who are hurting and vulnerable. Help us to be faithful followers of the Way by Jesus.

No Love Dying

Linda’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 5.17. We must find our christian identity in love and turn our fear into hope. God’s love will transform the world into a place where there is justice and equality in which we call Heaven on Earth.


Matt’s message is rooted in Jeremiah 33.14-16. This is the first week in a four-week worship series called Christmas is Coming. Here is a link to the video, Beyond Bethlehem, played during the message.
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