Sermons on reaching in love (Page 11)
Matt’s message is rooted in Isaiah 9.1-4. The people of God in Isaiah’s time found themselves in a “land of deep darkness.” Matt draws upon the prophetic witness of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Valarie Kaur to invite us to see parallels in our day. Valarie asks, “what if the darkness isn’t the darkness of a tomb, but the darkness of a womb?”
Linda’s message is rooted in the call to justice found in Isaiah 42: 1-9. The name for our worship series, Life Together, is taken from a book by this name by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a prophetic Lutheran pastor who led a resistance movement during the rise of Hitler in Germany. Linda’s message sketches Bonhoeffer’s life and weaves his writings with those of the ancient prophet Isaiah. We hope this worship series on Life Together will embolden and challenge us to follow in the…
An Ending that is a Beginning
Matt’s message is rooted in readings from Jesus’ infancy at the beginning of Matthew & the ending of Jesus’ life on earth near the ending of Matthew. The infant Jesus became a refugee with his family. What might this mean for us today? Jesus’ message to his followers at the end of his life challenged them: “just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” What…
Matt’s message is rooted in the dream of Joseph (Matthew 1.18-25). On this fourth Sunday of Advent, we remember God’s call to Joseph in a dream. How might we follow Joseph in saying yes to the power, mystery, and scandalous love waiting to be born amidst shame & disgrace?
Linda’s message is rooted in Matthew 11.2-11. On this third Sunday of Advent, we are called to ask just as John the Baptist did, “Are you the one?”, and seek to see the love of God here and everywhere around us.
An Unnamed Woman
Matt’s message is rooted in the story of the Unnamed Woman in Judges 19: 1-30. May we listen to the lessons in this story and focus our hearts on those who are hurting and vulnerable. Help us to be faithful followers of the Way by Jesus.
How might the beautiful, simple, & inspiring ingredients that have been passed down to us through the generations stir up the gift of God among us? Matt’s message invites the love of God to rekindle our imaginations as we discern making Deep Commitments at The Table. Worship on is rooted in 2 Timothy 1.1-14.
No Love Dying
Linda’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 5.17. We must find our christian identity in love and turn our fear into hope. God’s love will transform the world into a place where there is justice and equality in which we call Heaven on Earth.
Christianity as a School for Love
Matt’s message invites reflection on Christianity as a school for love. The message is rooted in Psalm 86.11 and the Trappist monks of Tibhirine whose lives are depicted in Of Gods & Men. The abundance of God’s love compelled these men to be in deep ministry with their Muslim neighbors. How might God’s abundant love compel us to be in ministry with our black and brown neighbors today?
Labor Day
Chris Logan was our special guest preacher at The Table. Chris’s message is rooted in Mark 5:1-20 and challenges us to follow Jesus as we stand up for justice in our day.
Rich Man & Lazarus
Linda’s message is rooted in the parable of the rich man & Lazarus (Luke 16.19-31). How might this ancient teaching of Jesus challenge us to reach in love in our daily lives?
Vengeful Widow & Co-opted Judge
Matt’s message invites reflection on Jesus’ parable on the vengeful widow & co-opted judge found in Luke 18.1-8. Olympic Reconciliation: Widow, Judge & Rio 2016.