Sermons on reaching in love (Page 13)

Sermons on reaching in love (Page 13)


With sanctuary restoration underway, we gathered on the front lawn for worship at 9:30 & 11:00 am.  Matt’s message is rooted in James 1.17-27. How does our faith call us to relate to consumption and materialism? What might the tradition of Christian asceticism teach us about opening up, treading lightly, living simply, & simply living?  The podcast includes a clip from worship of our music team leading Michael Franti’s Earth from Outer Space.


Linda’s message is rooted in John 6.56-69. How does our faith call us to relate to food? What might communion teach us about our everyday meals?  The podcast includes a clip from worship from The Brilliance’s Brother and Michael Franti’s Earth from Outer Space.

Caring for Creation

Matt’s message is rooted in Psalm 139 and Romans 8.19-23. How are we called to care for creation as followers of Jesus?  What might our faith tradition have to teach us about honoring the earth?  This is the first week in a four-week worship.  The segment from the closing song for the podcast was recorded as our prayer of confession in worship. The song is called Hymn of Remorse by Brian McLaren and Tracy Howe.  Here is a link to…


Matt’s message invites reflection on Salvation and is rooted in James 2.14-26. What are you saved for? How might you notice the salvation that IS at hand in the world? This is the fifth week of our five-week worship series called On Ramp. The music featured in this podcast includes live versions from worship of Make a Difference by Rachel Kurtz and Benediction by Josh Garrels.

Prayer for Charleston

We gathered with people of faith around the world in prayer & lament for the people of Charleston, South Carolina. Our prayer included sections of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Eulogy For The Young Victims Of The Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing and Peace Stronger Than the Storm by Steve Garnaas-Holmes (Unfolding Light, June 20, 2015) read by Keith Dabney and Pastor Matt Smith.

Birth Stories

Our worship series, This Christian Life, is based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories this morning are rooted in Acts 2 and invite reflection on church birth stories.

Waiting Sucks OR Forcing It

Our worship series, This Christian Life, is based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories this morning are rooted in Acts 1 and invite reflection on the tension between waiting and forcing.

Unexpected Guides

Our worship series, This Christian Life, is based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories this morning focus on Unexpected Guides. How might the story of Philip and the eunuch from Acts 8.26-40 guide us to faithfully engage the complexities of gender identity and gender performance in the 21st century?

Inside Job

Worship this morning is rooted in the Book of Esther. Esther’s Inside Job prevented the genocide of her people.  Matt and Linda also share stories on the Inside Jobs of Robert McAfee & Sydney Thomson Brown and Bishop Mel Talbert. What Inside Job might God be calling you to?

Weighing What Matters

This is the first-week in our new worship series, This Christian Life, based on the format of story telling curated by Ira Glass on This American Life. Our stories focus on Weighing What Matters.

Preparing Our Endings

Matt’s message is rooted in John 12.20-36.  How might we look toward the end of our own lives and make decisions that will shape our dying in love?

Losing Our Lives

Matt’s message is rooted in Mark 8.31-38. What might it look like for us to lose our lives for the sake of the Gospel?
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