Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 24)

Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 24)

Nothing Is Impossible With God

Linda’s message is rooted in Luke 1.26-38.  Nothing is impossible with God.  The opening song is Mother of God by The Brilliance. The closing song on the podcast is Same As It Ever Was (Start Today) by Michael Franti.

The Voice

Matt’s message is rooted in the witness of John the Baptist from John 1.6-8,19-28.  This is the third week in our Advent worship series.


We had technical difficulties with our podcast recording in worship. Matt’s message was rooted in Mark 1.1-8 and Dreams Deferred by Langston Hughes.


Matt’s message invites reflection on the meaning and significance the Revelation of John might hold for our lives today.  This is the final week of our three week series on the writings attributed to John.

Letters of John

Matt’s message is rooted in 1 John 4 and invites reflection on the significance of John’s Letters for our everyday lives.

Deep Commitments

We celebrated the renewal of our Baptismal vows and our Deep Commitments in worship. Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 23.1-12. How will you root your life in Grace, grow in faith, reach in love, & give generously in the year ahead? How will the waters of baptism shape your faith and life?

Celebration of Baptism

We celebrated the Baptism of 9 adults and 6 children in worship. Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 22.34-40. Our Baptismal liturgy is based on Marcia McFee’s Water Liturgy.

Save Me

Matt’s message invites reflection on rooting our lives in Grace at The Table.  How will we root our lives in Grace in the year to come? What next steps will we take in worship as The Table continues to make room for everyone?  This is the first week of a five-week series called How Deep? The message is rooted in Matthew 14.22-33.


Matt’s message is rooted in Jesus’ turning water to wine at the wedding at Cana in Galilee (John 2.1-11). God is our master artist and you are God’s masterpiece. What kind of art will you leave behind here at The Table? This is the fourth week in a four-week series based on The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Art by Erwin McManus.

Who Told You You Were Naked?

Linda’s message is rooted in Genesis 3.1-11.  What voices have shaped our identities and our lives? Who told you you were naked? This is the second week in a four-week series based on The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Art by Erwin McManus.

Artisan Soul

Linda’s message is rooted in the story of Moses from Exodus 2.1-15.  This is the first week in a four-week series based on The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Art by Erwin McManus.

Jesus’ Call to Sabbath

Matt’s message is rooted in Matthew 11.28-30 and invites reflection on Jesus’ relationship to Sabbath.  This is the third week in a three-part series on Summer Sabbath.  Jesus invites his followers, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” What might it look like for us to find rest in Christ?  
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