Sermons on rooted in grace (Page 27)
September 11 Ten Years Later
Selections from worship on September 11, 2011. Ten Years Later: Grievance to Hope | Hatred to love. The music team opens with a live version of Tears by Agape (Dave Scherer). This song was woven throughout the worship. Linda frames Psalm 119 with a brief reflection on 9/11 and Matt closes with selections from Psalm 119 from The Message.
Matt invites reflection on the meaning of baptism and offers insights into how we might read Paul’s letter to the Galatians, specifically Galatians 3.23-29. This is the first in a three-part sereis on Ekklesia.
Jazz Jubilee
We celebrate Sacramento’s Jazz Jubilee Weekend in worship this morning!
through Friday and into Sunday
Easter Message rooted in John 20.1-18.
Upside Down
Reflection on Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem and some of the ways followers of Jesus have understood the cross throughout the centuries. What might the cross mean for you today?
Reflection on the story of Lazarus from John 11 and the Lazarus Effect spreading across Sub-Saharan Africa. How is God calling you to come out? To unbind others? To be unbound?
Making Sense of the Cross
This message explores John 3.16 in relationship to Jesus’ encounter with Nicodemus at night. The biblical text is held in converation with the controversy over the faithfulness of Rob Bell’s understanding of salvation in Love Wins. What has the cross meant to followers of Jesus through the centuries? What might the cross mean to you today?
Mardi Gras Worship
We celebrate faith, community, and our love of God with the sounds of jazz on the final Sunday before we enter Lent and journey together toward the cross. Reading from Psalm 150.
Some of the finest jazz musicians in town. I’ll Fly Away | Just a Closer Walk with Thee | When the Saints Go Marching In | and more…
Are You There God?
Wrestling with the Divine (Part 1 of 4):
The story of Jacob from Genesis is held in conversation with Michael Krasny’s Spiritual Envy & Judy Blume’s Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.